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Game Membership

Only one user account per member is permitted.

The user account must not be accessible by any third person. Assumed abuse must be reported immediately.

The user name which you may choose must not violate any proprietary right. In particular you are not allowed to use names of clubs or players from the real football world.

The membership can be cancelled by both parties at any time and without giving reasons.

The provider reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time.

Data Privacy

The provider stores personal information as long as it is permitted by law and required to run the service. These include, but are not limited to, the user's IP and e-mail address.

The user is entitled to ask, free of charge, for information about which kind and amount of data about him is stored by the provider.

For running this website it is required to store so called "Cookies" on your computer. These are small text files containing information which help the system identifying your user account.

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